Still… he didn’t say he’s God, neither commands the people to worship him.If u had read just the verse before it… u would have found this.” My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all;” John 10:29Everywhere you find that God or (The Father) is different/distinct from Jesus and everything/everyone else.” I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. ” John 14:28” that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. ” John 17:3
- Why, I love every single word of this post. What gifts you have…both as a writer, and a photographer. I, too, find myself wishing I could stop and linger, and then, a new and wonderful stage begins. Aren’t we blessed to feel this way?
Damn Field! You're a handsome negro. I wasn't expecting a guy as smart as you to be easy on the eyes too. Ah Randy, Diane...there's a new world order, and it's a good thing.
Asım Fırat diyor ki:Ben biraz geç farkettim ve ilk 7 bölümü arka arkaya dinledim. 8. Bölümü nasıl heyecanla bekledim anlatamam ama kendime yaratıcı derdim. 24 saat insanın aklına hiç mi bir tahmin gelmez. Elinize sağlık. Böyle güzel çalışmaların devamı için emeği geçenlere Allah uzun ömürler versin.
# Meryem “Er zullen altijd mensen zijn die oordelen aan de hand van datgene wat ze (willen) zien, maar er zullen ook altijd mensen zijn die je oordelen aan de hand van datgene wat jij ze laat zien”.Dat is mooi gezegd en ik begrijp het verschil !
on paper. doing so not only gives…us the much-needed creative satisfaction but also proves to be a rich source of information for the of the common dilemmas that a writer goes through is known as the “writer’s block”. this is a particular phase in his life…
I don’t agree. I think you have to begin with the end in mind. Then plan your progress backwards from there. If you focus solely on the process, you will always be “in process” and without knowing the goal.
Hi Conor!!I vaguely remember the horror of two-part church services, but mercifully they switched to the three-hour block when I was still a little kid.I'm glad your new church's services are more pleasant and inspiring. It's not too difficult -- I doubt there's a religion on the planet that can compete with the Mormons in terms of boringness of their weekly service... ;-)
sporty and stylish! love that cute dress!do you want to follow each other (on bloglovin' and gfc)? let me know!see you around!
Wow they really are scared if they pull out the big guns, like "Fred from BC".At least "Fred" gives better trash talk than "Michael". Even though it's still just one big sneer. That channel just isn't changing though.Keep at it Fred! I'm looking forward to ordering vanity license plates in the next few years, just so I have a chance of getting one made by Harper himself.Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Vise, domnule Turcanu!. Cu bruma de venituri pe care o poate avea bugetul judetean, nici o unitate bancara nu va acorda CJ un credit de 500 mld. lei vechi.S-o crezi mata! Iar pe alocatii de la bugetul de stat nu te poti baza, cel putin in anul 2013.Intrebarea este alta: de ce valoarea dobinzii este atit de mare in raport cu valoarea creditului? Cine raspunde pentru un asemenea credit impovarator?( 50 mld lei vechi la un credit de 94 mld.)Dar pentru hirtiile facute pe o parte din suma imprumutata cine raspunde?
anche io uso i piselli surgelati, sono quelli che si adattano meglio ad ogni bernoccolo!!!!cmq mio papà fa il macellaio e una signora ha comprato per anni il bollito per lor e del filetto per "il bimbo" che poretto mangiava solo quello. volete mettere lo sconcerto di mio padre quando anni dopo ha scoperto che bimbo era un cane????ciao manu
2016年9月02日 11:33
I'm grateful you made the post. It's cleared the air for me.
2016年9月02日 11:30
Smukt billede med netop masser af stemning, som kan være med til at peppe humøret lidt op her i denne mørke vintertid...;-D god uge til dig.
2016年9月02日 11:29
Still… he didn’t say he’s God, neither commands the people to worship him.If u had read just the verse before it… u would have found this.” My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all;” John 10:29Everywhere you find that God or (The Father) is different/distinct from Jesus and everything/everyone else.” I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. ” John 14:28” that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. ” John 17:3
2016年9月02日 11:16
- Why, I love every single word of this post. What gifts you have…both as a writer, and a photographer. I, too, find myself wishing I could stop and linger, and then, a new and wonderful stage begins. Aren’t we blessed to feel this way?
2016年9月02日 11:05
Bonjour,Bonne réponse.Quand je fais ce problème, je réalise un tableau à double entrées. Cela m’évite de faire trop de calcul (je ne suis pas trop bon en calcul mental).Georges
2016年9月02日 10:59
Damn Field! You're a handsome negro. I wasn't expecting a guy as smart as you to be easy on the eyes too. Ah Randy, Diane...there's a new world order, and it's a good thing.
2016年9月02日 10:27
Asım Fırat diyor ki:Ben biraz geç farkettim ve ilk 7 bölümü arka arkaya dinledim. 8. Bölümü nasıl heyecanla bekledim anlatamam ama kendime yaratıcı derdim. 24 saat insanın aklına hiç mi bir tahmin gelmez. Elinize sağlık. Böyle güzel çalışmaların devamı için emeği geçenlere Allah uzun ömürler versin.
2016年9月02日 09:48
# Meryem “Er zullen altijd mensen zijn die oordelen aan de hand van datgene wat ze (willen) zien, maar er zullen ook altijd mensen zijn die je oordelen aan de hand van datgene wat jij ze laat zien”.Dat is mooi gezegd en ik begrijp het verschil !
2016年9月02日 09:34
on paper. doing so not only gives…us the much-needed creative satisfaction but also proves to be a rich source of information for the of the common dilemmas that a writer goes through is known as the “writer’s block”. this is a particular phase in his life…
2016年9月02日 08:57
I don’t agree. I think you have to begin with the end in mind. Then plan your progress backwards from there. If you focus solely on the process, you will always be “in process” and without knowing the goal.
2016年9月02日 08:47
Hi Conor!!I vaguely remember the horror of two-part church services, but mercifully they switched to the three-hour block when I was still a little kid.I'm glad your new church's services are more pleasant and inspiring. It's not too difficult -- I doubt there's a religion on the planet that can compete with the Mormons in terms of boringness of their weekly service... ;-)
2016年9月02日 08:38
sporty and stylish! love that cute dress!do you want to follow each other (on bloglovin' and gfc)? let me know!see you around!
2016年9月02日 06:05
Wow they really are scared if they pull out the big guns, like "Fred from BC".At least "Fred" gives better trash talk than "Michael". Even though it's still just one big sneer. That channel just isn't changing though.Keep at it Fred! I'm looking forward to ordering vanity license plates in the next few years, just so I have a chance of getting one made by Harper himself.Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
2016年9月02日 06:02
2016年9月02日 06:02
2016年9月02日 06:02
2016年9月02日 06:01
2016年9月02日 05:56
Vise, domnule Turcanu!. Cu bruma de venituri pe care o poate avea bugetul judetean, nici o unitate bancara nu va acorda CJ un credit de 500 mld. lei vechi.S-o crezi mata! Iar pe alocatii de la bugetul de stat nu te poti baza, cel putin in anul 2013.Intrebarea este alta: de ce valoarea dobinzii este atit de mare in raport cu valoarea creditului? Cine raspunde pentru un asemenea credit impovarator?( 50 mld lei vechi la un credit de 94 mld.)Dar pentru hirtiile facute pe o parte din suma imprumutata cine raspunde?
2016年9月02日 05:42
2016年9月02日 05:34
anche io uso i piselli surgelati, sono quelli che si adattano meglio ad ogni bernoccolo!!!!cmq mio papà fa il macellaio e una signora ha comprato per anni il bollito per lor e del filetto per "il bimbo" che poretto mangiava solo quello. volete mettere lo sconcerto di mio padre quando anni dopo ha scoperto che bimbo era un cane????ciao manu